Jet Leopold
De Nieuwe Bibliotheek Almere Stad
Stadhuisplein 101, AlmereExhibition 2 August until 15 October

The Art of Wishing – A Look into the Future can be viewed for free from 2 August until 15 October 2024 in De Nieuwe Bibliotheek Almere Stad. Kunstmuseum M. asked artist Jet Leopold to create an exhibition and three wall hangings of all the make-a-wish ribbons that were previously created by children. With this immersive piece of art, Jet Leopold invites you to look at the world through the eyes of a child.
One kilometer of children’s wishes
Over the past year more than 900 children from Almere and surrounding areas have participated in a learning program set up by Kunstmuseum M. that was offered as an additional activity to the 100 colors no.45 ‘’8760 Hours’’ exhibition by Emmanuelle Moureaux.
In this learning program children were also asked to think about their wish for that year and to stitch this wish onto a coloured ribbon. These ribbons were then put on display on the railing in front of the M. Punt in Hortus.
This program has been shown on different occasions at different locations. Not only at the Kunstmuseum M. but also during children’s festivals, school visits and family activities. All 900 ribbons together add up to more than one kilometer of children’s wishes!
A new piece of art looking into the future
In order to hold on to these children’s wishes, Kunstmuseum M. went out in search of a suitable and local artist to use these ribbons to create a new piece of art. They found Jet Leopold who turned out to be the perfect match as she focuses on experimental exhibitions and who works with children on a daily basis. She created The Art of Wishing– A Look into the Future.
Through the eyes of a child
Through this piece of art the artist wants visitors to start looking at life through the eyes of a child and make decisions from this mindset more often. How would our world look like if we strive for love, peace, safety and caring for each other, using the visions of a child.